2016: My Year in $avings

635845200979031950-1693487873_2016yayHappy 2016! I really cannot believe it’s here already. 2015 was a big year for me -graduating college, moving into my own apartment, starting a new job, starting to pay bills – doing everything real adult humans do. Now that I’ve been doing this for a few months now, things are starting to fall into place and become routine. But a new year brings new resolutions and changes, and I am no exception.

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Adventures at the RMV

rmv_logoYesterday, I had the absolute privilege of going to the RMV. I know what you’re all thinking, “How could you be so lucky?”  

I do feel very lucky to have a car (and now own it). However, dealing with the “adult” parts of taking care of it is pretty annoying, especially when the RMV sends you in circles to accomplish anything.

As you can imagine, the RMV is a crazy place, and with that, always come a crazy story. So while I was there, I decided to document my experience in real time. This is my story.

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