More About Me

While my first post was about the inspiration behind the blog and what is going to come, it is important that you know a little more on the voice behind the blog: me!

I have to say, when someone asks me to describe myself, it is one of the hardest questions for me to answer. So I’ll try my hardest to give the best answer possible.

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New Blog, New Post

Let me be the first to welcome you to my blog Twenty Too!

My name is Dara and I am a second semester college senior in my twenties. This is the inspiration behind my blog, Twenty Too.

I realized, after talking with my housemates and friends from home, that we are all in the same, new phase of our lives:  in our last few months as a college student who, for the first time, will not be going back to school in September. I know this can be a confusing, stressful and hectic time where all you want to do is either nap or binge watch Netflix to not think about the future (trust me, I do both all the time), but that’s why I am here. To let you know that whatever you are going through as we make our way from fake life to the real world, there is someone there who is going through the same thing. You are going through a change, just like me, too. I hope you follow me as I document my triumphs of graduating college, (hopefully) getting a job, (hopefully) moving out and (hopefully) surviving on my own.

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