Livin’ in the Real World

Last week was one of those weeks. You know exactly what I’m talking about. The kind of week where you can’t seem to do anything right. Taylor Swift got it wrong in her song 22 – I was not “happy, free, confused and lonely all at the same time.” It was more along the lines of frustrated, trapped, confused and overwhelmed all at the same time. And somehow, I survived.

Last week was a tough week as my job really kicked into high gear. I’m just about to hit my 4 month mark and things are really starting to pick up. I’m finally starting to realize my role, and in turn, my responsibilities have drastically increased. I now understand why people say there aren’t enough hours in the day, because it’s true! I’m constantly busy now – trying to get my work done while trying to help others as well. In all honestly, I would rather be busy and productive than staring at my computer screen wondering how to occupy myself for 8 hours.

However, last week was really hard. With many people on my team working a conference, I was left at the office to get my work done. But with everyone gone, that meant I had to fend for myself when trying to figure things out, which is where my problems started. I worked myself up about little things, was constantly over-thinking and lost.

I know this doesn’t just happen to me. People deal with this daily because work is hard and sometimes stressful! These are some things that helped me survive the week:

Take a walk.

If I sit at my desk for too long, I get antsy and start to lose focus. Plus, people aren’t supposed to sit all day; it’s not good for your health. Get up, take a break and take a walk, either around your office or around the block. The movement and the fresh air will help you clear your mind for a few minutes and help you get refocused for your next task. Plus, if you work in the middle of a city like me, there are always great restaurants and cafes near by. A coffee is also great energy boost.

Catch up on something not related to work.

There is nothing, I repeat, nothing, wrong from taking a break from your assignment to check Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or your favorite social media or website. It is impossible to stay focused for eight straight hours without wanting to catch up with what’s going on in the world. Don’t feel weird if people see you doing it, because you know they are doing it, too. If you see or read something interesting online, say something. A conversation with people around you is nice way to interact with co-workers and get to know them better (and a distraction for a few minutes).

Know you’re not alone.

Whenever you feel overwhelmed or frustrated, take a step back and look around. I guarantee that other people are feeling the same way as you. You’re not alone. It doesn’t matter if you are entry level like me, or a VP, everyone gets stressed. Take a deep breath, and realize that everyone’s in the same boat. One day that could be a good day for you may not be a good day for them. You really never know, so take it in stride and try not to worry about it too much.

There are many more tips to help you through a tough week, including this one from Forbes. If I can get through a tough week, you can too!

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